Thursday, March 17, 2011


Spring is here, Carolina blue skies abound -and all good thoughts turn to digging into the earth! The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership's groundskeeper B. J. Johnson, maintains the 60+ raised brick planters downtown year-round. But this time of year his hard work is evident to all. He's begun adding planting material to the planters and will soon complete the mulching process. Johnson plans to add the seasonal color in mid-April.

According to Johnson, the Downtown Partnership has updated its landscaping plans throughout the past year to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance in the downtown area that lasts throughout the entire year. Johnson is using more plant material native to this area as well as increasing the number of summer annuals planted for additional color. “I am a firm believer in the idea that the appearance of an area really impacts people’s feelings and perceptions,” Johnson said. “With all of the concrete and asphalt, it is great to have some interjections of nature and beauty blended in.”

Unfortunately, the urban environment often presents challenges for the landscaper as well as the plants. A truck bed is required for several important tasks, and the landscaper can only complete this work in the late hours of the night and the early hours of the morning. Additionally, B.J. must cope with a limited budget for each planting project. The plants, on the other hand, are frequently damaged by pedestrians and pets. Chaotic celebrations (we'll take those Carolina victories anyday!), poor pet behavior and litter accumulation all threaten the health of the plants and the overall appearance of downtown Chapel Hill.

However, Johnson said, “The work that goes into the downtown area from the Town and myself in keeping it clean and landscaped, gives downtown Chapel Hill the appearance that distinguishes it from other urban areas across the state.”

Johnson has worked as the Downtown Partnership’s main landscaper for the past three years. “I am really lucky and blessed to be able to do something that I enjoy,” Johnson said. “I believe the best part about the work is the satisfaction that comes when everything looks its best and knowing how many different people get to go by and enjoy it.” In addition to maintaining the beds downtown, B.J. sets up and takes down the 22' Christmas tree that the Partnership puts up every year at University Baptist Church to celebrate the holidays. Not to mention B.J. is always open to answering any questions and guiding a certain Partnership staff member through her gardening every season!

Thank you B.J. for all of the incredibly valuable (and hard) work you do!

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